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Lottie Animations

All the animations above, belive it or not,
are all code! How?

Using Lottie. Lottie is a plugin for After Effects that turns animations into code. This code can then be used on websites and apps by developers instead of GIFs or videos. Now you might be asking why?

The main benefit is file size. Each animation is only about 4KB! if they were GIFs or MP4s they would be 1000 times larger. I won't go into the nitty gritty of exactly how it works but using this method to play animation on websites not only saves loading times. This also takes less energy! So, in theory using this method will make websites and apps more environmentally friendly.

The other benefit is that there is quite good interaction support. I only got as far as starting the animation when you click but for developers, I think this workflow has some great potential.